On the downside however, GA's bow is snapped in half. Grundy gets off a lucky punch, but fortunately, Ollie rolls with it so that it does minimum damage.

Grundy picks up the old dusty Arrowcar and throws it at Ollie who barely manages to dive out of the way. Green Arrow dances around, slinging arrows trying to stay out of Grundy's reach. Grundy swipes Arsenal down knocking him out cold. Immediately they begins sinking arrows into him, knowing that they will have little effect on him. Green Arrow and Arsenal waste no time in attacking Solomon Grundy. They find that someone has been squatting in it for some time now – and that someone is Solomon Grundy! The two walk down memory lane as they survey the leftovers in the cave such as the Arrowcar. But there were a few mementos that the Shade was unable to procure, so now Ollie feels that must track the remainder of it down.Īrsenal and he make their first stop at the Arrowcave, beneath the ruins of not-quite-so-stately Queen manor. Ollie explains that he chose the Shade because he is immortal and will live longer than anyone else. Roy is upset that Ollie chose someone like the Shade for such a job over him. The deal was: Should Ollie ever be killed, the Shade would take responsibility for tracking down all of his personal affects and have them destroyed, that way future enemies couldn't use them against his loved ones. It is revealed that Ollie made a deal with the Shade shortly before he died. The Shade appears before Green Arrow and Arsenal in the house of Catman. Just then, the villain known as the Shade arrives. Ollie and Roy sink two arrows through Catman's bathrobe and interrogate him as to why he was seen at Ollie's funeral. They find that he is now in the witness relocation program for turning evidence against the villain Monsieur Mallah. He calls up his old sidekick Arsenal and the two track Catman down. Now Ollie wants to know why a third-rate Batman villain was seen attending his funeral. Oracle comes back and tells him that man in the photo is Thomas Blake, the Catman. He sends her a scan of the photograph and asks her to ID the mysterious figure. Later, he uses one of Dinah's communicator earrings to contact Oracle. Clark shows him a series of photographs detailing people in attendance, but there is one face that he doesn't recognize. Ollie asks Clark who had attended his funeral. Green Arrow and Superman are visiting GA's gravestone.

The story was written by Brad Meltzer and featured artwork by Phil Hester and Ande Parks. Along the way, the reader discovers a stark revelation concerning Green Arrow and his son, Connor Hawke. The storyline centered around Oliver Queen and his journey to locate various memorabelia that he had acquired over the years. All six issues were subsequently reprinted in both hardcover and trade paperback editions. Archer's Quest was a six-issue story-arc published from 2002-03 in issues #16-21 of Green Arrow (Volume 3).