Use dpkg -info (= dpkg-deb -info) to examine archive files,Īnd dpkg -contents (= dpkg-deb -contents) to list their openvswitch-common:Īfter system update use the following command to install openvswitch-common:Ībove command will confirm before installing the package on your Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Operating System.

Package `openvswitch-common' is not installed. If openvswitch-common is not installed on your compter then the command 'dpkg -L openvswitch-common' will give followin dpkg -L openvswitch-common This will update the list of newest versions of packages and its dependencies on your system.Īfter downloading the latest package list with the help of above you can run the installation process. Above command will download the package lists for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on your system.