I'd be more then happy if you try it out and tell me what features you'd whish or if there's any errors. I'm putting this thread up to see if there's any appreciation for gen 2 tools as well as getting some detailed info about Gen 2 roms (For instance where the game stores pointers to pointer tables etc, atm I just used a HEX editor to find the pointer tables manually)

I'm still figuring out the ROM structure and stuff like where the game gets it's pointers from to allow adding new data in the future.Ītm the editor is capable of editing existing moves and searching for free data blocks in the ROM but with time going on I will add more things like editing Pokemon, Trainers etc. However I really love the charm of Gen 2 and since there is a lack of hacking/editing tools for gen 2 as well as not very much general ROM information (at least it seems so to me) I decided to start a general editor for second gen ROMs. Well to just quickly introduce myself: I'm really obsessed with Pokemon as well as Computers and I got into ROM hacking a while ago.